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Nourish the body with Postpartum Recovery Teas. Recipes included.

Postpartum Recovery Teas are the secret to restore “Qi” and “Blood” of the body

Postpartum Recovery Tea (產後補健茶) is a nutritiously-packed Chinese herbal (caffeine-free) drink commonly served for new moms during the postpartum phase. Under ancient Chinese tradition, nursing wives and postpartum caregivers would encourage one to drink this tea as a way of nourishing the body. You can read more about the benefits of Postpartum Recovery Tea here.

At MotherlyCare, we believe this herbal tea is critical in the recovery process. However, as part of incorporating modern wellness approaches, we don’t discount the benefits of drinking warm or room temperature water for added hydration.

We highly recommend a few postpartum herbal tea recipes for you to try.

Each recipe is catered for a unique postpartum stage. Different Chinese herbs and medicines are added to Postpartum Herbal Tea at different recovery stages.

Phase I, Restoring Stage (1~5 days after delivery)

Drinking Roasted Rice Tea in replacement of water would help the new mom to better adjust the vulnerable body state right after delivery.

Instructions for preparing roasted rice (You can also prepare extra or in advance and store in jar for future use):

  1. Mix Red Rice, Brown Rice and White Rice in 1:1:1 ratio (no need to wash the rice).

  2. Put rice in a wok pan and let it rest in low heat, stirring occasionally to roast rice until the white rice turns golden brown

  3. Remove from heat and let it cool down.

Restoring Tea Recipe


  1. Roasted Rice 炒米 2 tbsp

  2. Chenpi 陳皮 1 piece


  1. Add ingredients into 500 ml boiling water

  2. Simmer for 20 mins in medium heat on stove top

Phase II, Recuperate Stage (consume 5-10 days after delivery)

To promote better sleep quality and to replenish blood, Red Dates, Nanzao (Blue) or Black Dates, Figs, Longan, Goji Berries, Shi Hu can be added to the roasted rice tea for the recuperate stage.

Recuperate Tea Recipe


  1. Longan 元肉 6 pieces

  2. Goji Berry 杞子 15 pieces

  3. Chen Pi 陳皮 1 piece

  4. Roasted Rice 米 2 tbsp


  1. Rinse ingredients

  2. Add ingredients into 500 ml boiling water

  3. Cook in medium heat on stove top for 20 mins

Recuperate Plus Tea Recipe


  1. Figs 無花果 2 pieces

  2. Red Dates 紅棗 4 pieces

  3. Black Dates 黑棗 4 pieces

  4. Chen Pi 陳皮 1 pieces

  5. Roasted Rice 炒米 2 tbsp


  1. Remove seeds in all the dates

  2. Rinse ingredients

  3. Add ingredients into 800 ml boiling water

  4. Cook in medium heat on stove top for 30 mins

Phase III, Tonify Stage (consume 10 days after delivery)

Various Chinese herbs such as Lotus Seeds, Chinese Yam, Black Bean, Bei Qi, Dong Seng and Angelica Sinensis can be added to tonify “qi” and other organs such as liver, and kidney.

Tonify Tea Recipe


  1. Goji Berries 杞子 5g

  2. Bei Qi 北芪 10 g

  3. Dong Sum 黨參 6g

  4. Red Dates 紅棗 20 g

  5. Black Beans 黑豆 10 g

  6. Lotus Seeds 蓮子 12 g

  7. Chinese Yam 淮山 15g

  8. Longan 元肉 8g

  9. Roasted Rice 炒米 8g


  1. Remove seeds in red dates

  2. Rinse ingredients

  3. Add ingredients into 1800 ml water

  4. Bring to boil then lower to medium heat on stove top and cook for 45 mins

Tonify Plus Tea Recipe

A more enriching recipe for blood circulation and replenish, with a different quantity of ingredients and the addition of Black Dates and Dang Gui which has a distinctive taste.


  1. Red Dates 紅棗 20 g

  2. Bei Qi 北芪 10 g

  3. Dong sum 黨參 6 g

  4. Goji Berries 杞子 5 g

  5. Longan 元肉 8 g

  6. Roasted Rice 炒米 8 g

  7. Black Dates 黑棗 10g

  8. Dong Quai 當歸 10 g


  1. Remove seeds in red dates

  2. Rinse ingredients

  3. Add ingredients to 1800 ml cold water

  4. Bring to boil then turn to medium heat on stove top and cook for 45 mins

Happy Drinking!

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Postpartum hebal tea (traditions)
golden weeks of postpartum recovery (traditions)
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